Generative Interoperability
The report authored by Open Future and Commons Network proposes to treat interoperability as a policy principle that supports the creation of new public-civic digital spaces.
Sophie Bloemen is co-director of Commons Network. She writes and speaks on the sharing of knowledge, the commons and new narratives for Europe.
The report authored by Open Future and Commons Network proposes to treat interoperability as a policy principle that supports the creation of new public-civic digital spaces.
Jan-Hendrik Passoth on Interoperability for Digital Public Space. This is the seventh part of our series of interviews with experts on how to get to public-civic spaces and the role of interoperability in getting there.
Aik van Eemeren on Interoperability for Digital Public Space. This is the sixth part of our series of interviews with experts on how to get to public-civic spaces and the role of interoperability in getting there.
Jaromil on Interoperability for Digital Public Spaces. This is the fifth part of our series of interviews with experts on how to get to public-civic spaces and the role of interoperability in getting there.
natacha roussel on Interoperability for Digital Public Spaces. This is the fourth part of our series of interviews with experts on how to get to public-civic spaces and the role of interoperability in getting there.
Mai Sutton on Interoperability for Digital Public Spaces. This is the third part of our series of interviews with experts on how to get to public-civic spaces and the role of interoperability in getting there.